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FCW Presents: No Justice 2022

February 19th, 2022

LIVE from the Agora in Cleveland OH!

Diana Bellerose  Vs. Blair Jackson

THORA vs Eden Sterling

Chelsea Skye Vs. Brea Lombardi

Malaya Diyosa Vs. Jordan Majors (w/ Serena Riot)

Stacy Lawson Jones' Open Challenge (NFW United States Championship)

Bianca Page Vs. Maki Megumi (FCW Great Lakes Championship Match)


Tweet window is from February 4th to February 18th.

Tweets are limited to 10, unless if both parties and Serena Riot agree to more. Must tag @FCWfed and use the hashtag #NoJustice. No subtweeting allowed.

If you can't Tweet for the show (Or your character has a scheduling conflict) please let Serena Riot know ASAP.

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