Want to know more about Fight Championship Wrestling? Look no further than right below!

What is FCW?

FCW is a monthly efed based on Twitter (@FCWfed). It was founded in 2021 by wrestling star "The Fallen Prophet" Serena Riot. Currently, FCW runs monthly PPV's that are posted on Twitter, as well as BeTheFight.WebNode.com

What is the RP Limits?

The RP Limits are:

  1. Each RP will be in the form of a Tweet. You CAN NOT add Tweets on, unless given permission from Serena, and the opponent.
  2. Each competitor will be allowed 10 Tweets total (Unless specified more are allowed.)
  3. Tweets MUST tag @FCWfed and use a specific hashtag that relates to the PPV. Any Tweets that DO NOT have one or the other will NOT count.
  4. Cursing is allowed.

Who are the figureheads?

Serena Riot (@RiotSerena) serves as the FCW Representative. Brian Wells (Picbase:AVGN) provides play-by-play, and Brandi Banks (Picbase: JoJo Offerman) serves as the ring announcer.

When does FCW air?

FCW airs typically on Saturdays around 9pm.

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